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Keller Williams RED Day


Introduced in 2009, RED Day, which stands for Renew, Energize and Donate, is Keller Williams Realty’s annual day of service. Each year on the second Thursday of May, associates celebrate Mo Anderson’s birthday by spending the day away from their businesses serving worthy organizations and causes in their communities. RED Day is just another example of our commitment to each other and to the cities and towns where we live and work. Join us!

If ever there was a day that showcased Keller Williams Realty’s dedication to its team and the communities that we serve, it’s RED Day.

Short for “Renew, Energize and Donate,” RED Day truly is a revolutionary and life-altering event that was specifically designed to give back to the communities we serve.

This is precisely why RED Day is so important. At the end of the day, we at Keller Williams Realty want to ensure that we are not just a place where people clock in and out of their jobs; instead, we want our business to be a place of personal and professional growth and accomplishment. At the same time, we want Keller Williams Realty to have a positive influence on the towns and cities that we work in.

What Exactly Happens on RED Day?

Every year, on the second Thursday of May, thousands of Keller Williams associates from all over the US and Canada gather to participate in RED Day and commit thousands of hours to carrying out a number of projects designed to better the neighborhoods that they work it. By dedicating time and energy to such positive ventures, Keller Williams associates truly do benefit just as much as those in the communities they are helping.

The spectrum of projects that take place on RED Day are varied, and can include activities such as donations to local food shelters, cleaning up parks and beaches, rehabbing local recreation centers, planting trees, rebuilding homes, and so on. The project selection essentially comes down to what the local community in question really needs.

Market centers are assigned all over North America, which are essentially the hubs for local RED Day events. Each market center has the task of planning the event by finding community projects that they can actively participate in.

All the logistics of the event are taken care of by this special committee, including assigning tasks, marketing the event, and gathering sponsors for everything needed to carry out the event. From the food, to the tools, to the volunteers needed, market centers take care of all the essentials needed to successfully carry out their chosen projects.

The actual projects carried out should be unique to the needs of the specific community being served. The only requirement in choosing a project is that it needs to improve the community in which it takes place. It’s about identifying a pressing need, and filling it.

In addition to making a positive impact on the neighborhoods being served, RED Day is also a prime opportunity for associates to reach out to existing and prospective clients in the area. By working together, associates have the distinct benefit of building and strengthening business relationships.

In the end, RED Day is more about running a food drive or refurbishing a random local park. It’s about representing and displaying the caring nature of the Keller Williams culture. It’s a way to show the world around us that little hands make light work, and that each and every one of us can make a big difference in the communities around us. And by putting on such a display, others will sit up and take notice.

For the associates with Keller Williams, participating in rewarding projects to better the local communities isn’t work, it’s a privilege.